Scottish Aeromodellers Association

Training and Testing

Throughout the flying season, the SAA organise and run several Training and Testing weekend events at model flying clubs. The purpose of these weekends is to allow members to come along and get some training from instructors in how to fly the various Safety Achievement schedules that we provide. For those members that already feel confident and competent in flying a schedule, they can be tested by an examiner and awarded the Safety Achievement if they pass the requirements.

The dates for the next Training and Testing weekends are shown below. If you would like to attend one of these events, please complete the form shown so that your attendance can be confirmed.

  • 21/22 September - Cumbernauld MFC
  • 5/6 October - Hamilton MFC

If you would like to arrange for a test to be taken outside of the Training and Testing events, then you can contact the Safety Committee to arrange a test.

Hosting Training and Testing

If any club would like to arrange to host a Training and Testing weekend, they can use the Contact form and contact the Safety Officer.

Training and Testing Event Attendance

If you would like to attend one of weekends, please complete the form.